School History: 2006-Present
Lake Anne Elementary School began its fifth decade with a new principal, a new mascot, and new school colors.
Activities and Clubs
Extracurricular and co-curricular activities and clubs have been a hallmark of the strong instructional program at Lake Anne since our founding. In addition to traditional offerings such as band, chorus, strings, WLAS, chess, and Odyssey of the Mind, Lake Anne students of the 21st century can participate in Girls on the Run, Jump Rope for Heart, and GEMS (Girls Excelling in Math and Science). In 2009, the Bayscapers Environmental and Garden Club was established at Lake Anne. Students in the Bayscapers Club learn about the environment, how to garden, and create indoor and outdoor artistic projects.

A Green Flag School
In June 2015, Lake Anne was the recipient of the National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA Green Flag award. The Green Flag is the highest honor bestowed by Eco-Schools USA, and is given to schools for exceptional achievements in "greening" the school and its grounds, conserving natural resources, and integrating environmental education into the curriculum.

Building Success
The 2012-13 school year marked the end of a two-year renovation project. We are excited about all the changes this brought. Besides a total facelift with new energy-efficient windows and doors, fresh paint, tiles, and floors, all classrooms now enjoy the latest equipment in educational technology. Classrooms are equipped with an Integrated Smart Board and an enhanced audio system. Our daily news show is broadcast by students from a small studio in our expanded media and technology center.
Happy Anniversary
On April 21, 2017, Lake Anne Elementary School held a 50th Anniversary Celebration. “We’re calling it the Lake Anne family reunion because we invited everyone to come,” Principal Jill Stewart told a reporter from the Connection Newspaper. “We have all come together to celebrate family and educational excellence. It’s great to have everyone come back.”

Our Principals
Linda Hajj (2006-11)
Brendan Menuey (2011-15)
Jill D. Stewart (2015-Present)
Principal Stewart wants the community to see her school as a partner in raising well-adjusted and well-equipped children. She encourages Lake Anne staff and families to build strong relationships and sets an example with her involvement. Recently, she supplemented regular monthly parent coffees with a “Cafecito,” complete with translators, to help the school’s large Spanish-speaking population keep in touch. Known for hiring great teachers, Principal Stewart showcases them at events like the “Best of Reston” Awards and empowers them to take risks. “She never shies away from projects that will enhance instruction,” said one nominator.